At Total Bootcamps, we love a success story. We’re delighted to tell you about Si and how we have helped him in his journey to fitness.

Q: What made you join Total Bootcamps?
I took a good long look at myself & finally decided enough is enough & it’s time to change. Always one to procrastinate and ‘start tomorrow’. I’d done similar ‘bootcamp’ training before but it was either too far to get to or too expensive. I love this style of training and to discover it was going to be on my doorstep made it a no-brainer. Prior to the first class I spoke to David & encouraged by his drive and enthusiasm I haven’t looked back.

Q: What interests did you have before joining & did you keep fit before hand?
I love the outdoors and travelling. I climbed Mount Snowdon a while ago, via Crib Goch (not for the faint of heart!) and would like to do it again in the near future but with a better level of fitness. Some years ago I trained in Mixed Martial Arts & looked after myself but following injury & over time this fell by the wayside and I let myself go. All willingness to get fit just stopped so now it’s like starting from scratch.

Q: Whats changed since joining us in terms of fitness & lifestyle?
I feel better already and other people have noticed the difference. Less sluggish & it’s re-kindled my want to train & get fit. I’ve gone from ‘can’t be bothered’ to ‘Right, when can I train next ?’ and this change of mindset didn’t take long. Lost a little weight & this can only improve. It’s made me conscious of what I eat but that’s still something I need to improve on.

Q: Favourite thing about us?
It’s different every time. There’s always a good atmosphere with a great bunch of people and at the end you definitely know you’ve worked hard!

Q: Favourite exercise?
I love using kit. Battle ropes and medicine ball slams have to be on the favourites list.

Q: Least Favourite Exercise
The Bur-pee! Kind of a love/hate relationship.

Q:If you could sum up Total Bootcamps in one sentence what would you say?
The most fun you can have with your clothes on or the best way to get fit with a group of like minded friendly people & a coach that gets the best from you.