At Total Bootcamps, we love a success story. We’re delighted to tell you about Rupert and how we have helped him in his journey to fitness.

Q: What made you join Total Bootcamps?
To be 100% honest – my wife, and I am so grateful she did. Having been trying to persuade me for 14 years to “do some exercise” she put together an unassailable case for me to attend one of the free sessions back in January and I’ve not looked back since.

Q: What interests did you have before joining & did you keep fit before hand?
I used to be very fit when I was in my 20’s, playing a number of team sports at a high level. I suffered a serious knee injury though which meant I could no longer compete. Since then I’ve done literally NO exercise. I’m lucky though, I have a metabolism that means I can eat pretty much what I want without putting weight on. But….I think this lulled me into feeling I had a false sense of “fitness”. Before bootcamp coaching junior rugby, dog walks, the occasional game of golf and running around after my 2 children were the only ‘exercise’ I did.

Q: Whats changed since joining us in terms of fitness & lifestyle?
The first session definitely proved that my wife was right and I did need to exercise – I felt ashamedly old and unfit during the class and hurt for nearly a week afterwards. It was definitely the kick up the backside I needed. Since then I’ve committed to pushing myself to the max in every session. I feel both my performance and recovery have improved and the daily challenges have certainly kept me focused. I now find myself really looking forward to the classes and generally feel more energized in life.

Q: Favorite thing about us?

I really enjoy being able to push myself to the limit in a structure which has been thought through by a coach and where the results are noticeable even after only 6 weeks. Oh… and then there’s the banter and comradely 

Q: Favorite exercise?
I love both the circuits and the individual / team challenges. The circuits allow me to push myself to the max whilst the challenges rekindle the competitor in me.

Q: Least Favorite?
Without a doubt the dreaded Bur-pee

Q:If you could sum up Total Bootcamps in one sentence what would you say?
For me…. The perfect antidote to lethargy.